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Parallel Programming Models - Productivity and Applications for Exascale and Beyond - 4th edition

SPPEXA (Priority Programme “Software for Exascale Computing”) is a priority program in Germany addressing research on various aspects of HPC software, which is particularly urgent against the background that we are currently entering the era of ubiquitous massive parallelism.

The three fields, parallel programming models, HPC tools to foster productivity, and applications in numerical computing form the common interests of the SPPEXA projects MYX, ESSEX-II and DASH, and comprised the themes of the three previous editions of the workshop hold in Japan (Tokyo 2017), France (Versailles 2017) and Germany (Aachen 2018). This workshop allowed to identify opportunities for interaction between the three projects and showed the convergence between them for future collaborations. The participants agreed that it would be a good consortium of researchers for future research on software for Exascale supercomputers and beyond. Then, it was decided to organize another joint workshop in Europe with these three projects. 

The goal of this fourth edition of workshop is to foster collaborations between these three projects attract attendance from Europe and Japan beyond the SPPEXA projects.
In addition to the invited presentations, the agenda contains contributions from the SPPEXA PIs on the recent progress made in the projects. Project members – young researchers – will present their individual results and next steps. In summary, the workshop will consist of many short talk in the order of 15 to 20 minutes. The agenda and the social interactions are expected to make new contacts among the participants to build upon in the future.

> Program (Updated March, 19)

Location: The SPPEXA workshop will take place at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Versailles (UVSQ, 45 avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles cedex)

> Access by public transportation from Paris 


1. Some words from SPPEXA, Severin REIZ [pdf]
2. MUST system applied to high level language approach in MYX project, Taisuke BOKU [pdf]
3. A distributed task scheduler in the DASH project, Joseph SCHUCHART [pdf]
4. Multidisciplinary High Performance Data Analysis Forum: summary and recommendations, Michel DAYDÉ [pdf]
5. Programming for the Future: Are We There Yet?, Barbara CHAPMAN [pdf]
6. Making Reproducibility Indispensable: Changing the Incentives that Drive Computational Science, Michael A. HEROUX [pdf]
7. Overview of MYX (results and perspectives), Matthias MÜLLER [pdf]
8. Overview of ESSEX II (results and perspectives), Gerhard WELLEIN [pdf]
9. Overview of Smart-DASH (results and perspectives), Jose GRACIA [pdf]
10. Numerical Library with High-Performance/Adaptive- Precision/High-Reliability: Extension of ppOpen-HPC towards the Post Moore Era, Kengo NAKAJIMA [pdf]
11. POP: A Centre of Excellence in HPC (Results and service offerings), Christian TERBOVEN [pdf]
12. Scalable and Easy-to-use Coupling of Multi-Physics Simulations, Benjamin UEKERMANN [pdf
Informations complémentaires
Workshop organizers
  • Chair: Nahid Emad (LI-PaRAD/Maison de la Simulation)
  • Co-chair: Thomas Dufaud (LI-PaRAD/Maison de la Simulation)
  • Ogranizer: Isabelle Moudenner (LI-PaRAD)
List of recommended hotelsAffiliation
  • LI-PaRAD (EA 7432), UFR des sciences, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), 45 avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles Cedex, France
  • Maison de la simulation ( USR 3441 – CEA, CNRS, INRIA, UVSQ, U-Paris Sud), Bâtiment 565 – Digiteo, CEA Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France
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