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A.S. Charif-Rubial, D. Barthou, C. Valensi, S. Shende, A. Malony, and W. Jalby. Mil: A language to build program analysis tools through static binary instrumentation. In High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2013 20th International Conference on, pages 206--215, December 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and M. Bui. Agent based model of smart grids for ecodistrict. In ACM Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT), pages 35--52, Danang, Viêtnam, December 2013.
Chadi Akel, Yuriy Kashnikov, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, and William Jalby. Is Source-code Isolation Viable for Performance Characterization? In Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2013 42nd International Conference on, pages 977--984. IEEE Computer Society, October 2013.
Florian Dang, Nahid Emad, and Alexandre Fender. A Fine-Grained Parallel Model for the Fast Iterative Method in Solving Eikonal Equations. In 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2013), PARIS, France, October 2013.
Zifan Liu, Nahid Emad, Soufian Ben Amor, and Michel Lamure. A parallel IRAM algorithm to compute PageRank for modeling epidemic spread. In IEEE 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD, Porto de the Galinhas, Brazil, October 2013.
Miwako Tsuji, Makarem Dandouna, and Nahid Emad. Multi Level Parallelism of Multiple Implicitly/Explicitly Eestarted Arnoldi Methods for Post-Petascale Computing. In 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2013), PARIS, France, October 2013.
Z. Liu, N. Emad, S. Ben Amor, and M. Lamure. A parallel IRam algorithm to compute pagerank for modeling epidemic spread. In IEEE 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, October 2013.
G. Antoniu, T. Boku, A. Buttari, C. Calvin, P. Codognet, M. Dayde, N. Emad, Y. Ishikawa, G. Joslin, S. Matsuoka, K. Nakajima, H. Nakashima, R. Namyst, S. Petiton, T. Sakurai, and M. Sato. Towards Exascale with the ANR-JST Japanese-French Project FP3C. In Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), 2013, pages 1--10, September 2013.
Laurent Berenguer, Thomas Dufaud, and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. Aitken's acceleration of the Schwarz process using singular value decomposition for heterogeneous 3D groundwater flow problems. Computers and Fluids, 80:320--326, July 2013. Réalisé á l'ICJ - UMR 5208.
Keywords: Aitken's acceleration of convergence ; Schwarz domain decomposition ; Singular value decomposition ; Groundwater flow
Thomas Dufaud, Jocelyne Erhel, and Géraldine Pichot. Coupled flow model and simulation in 3D porous-fractured media. In SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Padova, Italy, June 2013. Réalisé chez INRIA Rennes.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and A. Bui. Agent based modeling of ecodistricts with smart grid. In Springer, editor, Studies In computational Intelligence, Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, volume 479, pages 307--318, Warsaw, Poland, May 2013. International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications.
M. El Helou, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, and K. Khawam. A hybrid approach for radio access technology selection in heterogeneous wireless networks. In EW, 2013.
F. Moety, S. Lahoud, B. Cousin, and K. Khawam. Power-delay tradeoffs in green wireless access networks. In VTC Fall, pages 1--7, 2013.
F. Moety, S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, and B. Cousin. Joint power-delay minimization in green wireless access networks. In 2819-2824, editor, PIMRC, 2013.
M. El Helou, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, and K. Khawam. Satisfaction-based radio access technology selection in heterogeneous wireless networks. In Wireless Days, pages 1--4, 2013.
Samir Tohme Naila Bouchemal, Rola Naja. Traffic modeling and performance evaluation in vehicle to infrastructure 802.11p network. In Ad Hoc Networks, ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS, 2013.
K. Khawam, J. Cohen, P. Mühlethaler, S. Lahoucr, and S. Tohmé. Ap association in a ieee 802.11 wlan. In PIMRC, pages 2142--2147., 2013.
M. El Helou, M. Ibrahim, S. Lahoud, and K. Khawam. Radio access selection approaches in heterogeneous wireless networks. In WiMob, pages 521--528, 2013.
Jose Noudohouenou. Prédiction de Performance Utilisant Une Caractérisation Des Applications Orientée Codelet. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
David Defour and Eric Petit. GPUburn: A system to test and mitigate GPU hardware failures. In Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIII), 2013 International Conference on, pages 263--270. IEEE, 2013.
Jean-Philippe Halimi, Benoît Pradelle, Abdou Guermouche, Nicolas Triquenaux, Alexandre Laurent, Jean Christophe Beyler, and William Jalby. Reactive DVFS control for multicore processors. In Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2013 IEEE and Internet of Things (iThings/CPSCom), IEEE International Conference on and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, pages 102--109. IEEE, 2013.
Yuriy Kashnikov, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Emmanuel Oseret, and William Jalby. Evaluating Architecture and Compiler Design through Static Loop Analysis. In High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2013 International Conference on, pages 535--544. IEEE Computer Society, 2013.
Yuriy Kashnikov. Une approche holistique pour la prédiction des optimisations du compilateur par apprentissage automatique. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles SaintQuentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Souad Koliaï, Zakaria Bendifallah, Mathieu Tribalat, Cédric Valensi, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, and William Jalby. Quantifying performance bottleneck cost through differential analysis. In Proceedings of the 27th International ACM Conference on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS '13, pages 263--272, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.
Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Eric Petit, Asma Farjallah, and William Jalby. Adaptive sampling for performance characterization of application kernels. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 25(17):2345--2362, 2013.
Claude Timsit and Soraya Zertal. From Transistor To Computer. Hermann, 2013.
Nicolas Triquenaux, Alexandre Laurent, Benoit Pradelle, Jean Christophe Beyler, and William Jalby. Automatic estimation of DVFS potential. In Green Computing Conference (IGCC), 2013 International, pages 1--6. IEEE, 2013.
Soraya Zertal and Peter G. Harrison. Flash-based storage systems modelling, simulation and IO characterisation (tutorial). In International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2013.
Thomas Dufaud and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. ARAS2 preconditioning technique for CFD industrial cases. In Randolph Bank, Michael Holst, Olof Widlund, and Jinchao Xu, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods (DD20), LNCSE, San Diego, United States, 2013. Springer. Réalisé á l'ICJ - UMR 5208.
Laurent Berenguer, Thomas Dufaud, and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. Acceleration of Convergence for Domain Decomposition Methods. In B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, editors, Computational Technology Reviews, pages 1--24. Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013. Réalisé chez INRIA Rennes.
Ider Tseveendorj. Optimization, Simulation and Control, volume 76 of Springer Optimization and Its Application (SOIA), chapter Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: A Brief Survey of Methods and Optimality Conditions, pages 49--61. Springer, 2013.
Devan Sohier. Marches aléatoires et gestion locale des changements topologiques. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2013.
Karim Bessaoud. Algorithmes auto-stabilisants pour les réseaux ad hoc. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles-St Quentin, 2013.
Murat Ahat, Soufian Ben Amor, Marc Bui, Alain Bui, Guillaume Guérard, and Coralie Petermann. Smart grid and optimization. American Journal of Operations Research, 3(1A):196--206, 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and A. Bui. Ecodistrict and smart grid modeling. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, M. Bui, A. Bui, G. Guérard, and C. Petermann. Smart grids and optimization. American Journal of Operations Research, 3(1A):196--206, 2013.
S. Ben Amor, A. Bui, and C. Petermann. Systèmes complexes et recherche opérationnelle : application a une simulation de smart grid. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
F. Avril, A. Bui, and D. Sohier. A distributed hierarchical clustering algorithm for large-scale dynamic networks. In 8th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks (PM2HW2N), pages 197--202. ACM, 2013.
S. Ben Amor, A. Bui, and G. Guérard. Méthode d'analyse d'un système complexe pour la recherche opérationnelle: Smart grid. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
Coralie Petermann, Soufian Ben Amor, and Alain Bui. Systèmes complexes et recherche opérationnelle : application à une simulation de smart grid. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Karim Bessaoud, Alain Bui, and Laurence Pilard. Self-stabilizing algorithm for low weight connected dominating set. In 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), pages 231--238. IEEE/ACM, 2013.
Thibault Bernard, Alain Bui, and Devan Sohier. Universal adaptive self-stabilizing traversal scheme: Random walk and reloading wave. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 73(2):137--149, 2013.
Alain Bui, Simon Clavière, and Devan Sohier. Nested clusters with intercluster routing. The Journal of Supercomputing, pages 1--30, 2013.
Thibault Bernard, Hacene Fouchal, Sébastien Linck, and Estelle Perrin. Impact of routing protocols on packet retransmission over wireless networks. In IEEE CS Press, editor, International Symposium on Computers and Communications, pages 2979--2983, 2013.
Karim Bessaoud, Yann Hermans, Bertrand Le Cun, Thierry Mautor, Laurence Pilard, and Devan Sohier. Optimisation d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Yann Hermans, Bertrand Le Cun, and Alain Bui. Location et affectation de véhicules électriques dans un contexte de vehicle-to-grid. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
A. Bui, S. Clavière, and D. Sohier. Distributed construction of a hierarchy of nested clusters with inter-cluster routing. The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 65(3):1353--1382, 2013.
Tarek Menouer and Bertrand LeCun. Partitioning methods to parallelize constraint programming solver using the parallel framework bobpp. In Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering (1st International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications (ICCSAMA 2013)), Poland, 2013. In cooperation with IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence, Springer.
Tarek Menouer and Bertrand LeCun. Anticipated dynamic load balancing strategy to parallelize constraint programming search. In 3rd workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization (PCO, IEEE IPDPS Workshop), USA, 2013.
Bertrand Le Cun and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Résolution de problèmes d'habillage réèls par la plateforme bobpp. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Bertrand Le Cun, Thierry Mautor, Franck Quessette, and Marc-Antoine Weisser. Bin packing with fragmentable items: presentation and approximations. Technical report, Hal Open Archive (CNRS), 2013.
Tarek Menouer, Bertrand Le Cun, and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Parallélisation d'un solveur de contraintes avec le framework parallèle bobpp. In Compas'2013, 2013.
Tarek Menouer, Bertrand Le Cun, and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Parallélisation du solveur de contraintes OR-tools. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Joël Sohier and Devan Sohier. La Logistique. Vuibert, 7 edition, 2013.
A.S. Charif-Rubial, D. Barthou, C. Valensi, S. Shende, A. Malony, and W. Jalby. Mil: A language to build program analysis tools through static binary instrumentation. In High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2013 20th International Conference on, pages 206--215, December 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and M. Bui. Agent based model of smart grids for ecodistrict. In ACM Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT), pages 35--52, Danang, Viêtnam, December 2013.
Chadi Akel, Yuriy Kashnikov, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, and William Jalby. Is Source-code Isolation Viable for Performance Characterization? In Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2013 42nd International Conference on, pages 977--984. IEEE Computer Society, October 2013.
Florian Dang, Nahid Emad, and Alexandre Fender. A Fine-Grained Parallel Model for the Fast Iterative Method in Solving Eikonal Equations. In 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2013), PARIS, France, October 2013.
Zifan Liu, Nahid Emad, Soufian Ben Amor, and Michel Lamure. A parallel IRAM algorithm to compute PageRank for modeling epidemic spread. In IEEE 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD, Porto de the Galinhas, Brazil, October 2013.
Miwako Tsuji, Makarem Dandouna, and Nahid Emad. Multi Level Parallelism of Multiple Implicitly/Explicitly Eestarted Arnoldi Methods for Post-Petascale Computing. In 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2013), PARIS, France, October 2013.
Z. Liu, N. Emad, S. Ben Amor, and M. Lamure. A parallel IRam algorithm to compute pagerank for modeling epidemic spread. In IEEE 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, October 2013.
G. Antoniu, T. Boku, A. Buttari, C. Calvin, P. Codognet, M. Dayde, N. Emad, Y. Ishikawa, G. Joslin, S. Matsuoka, K. Nakajima, H. Nakashima, R. Namyst, S. Petiton, T. Sakurai, and M. Sato. Towards Exascale with the ANR-JST Japanese-French Project FP3C. In Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), 2013, pages 1--10, September 2013.
Laurent Berenguer, Thomas Dufaud, and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. Aitken's acceleration of the Schwarz process using singular value decomposition for heterogeneous 3D groundwater flow problems. Computers and Fluids, 80:320--326, July 2013. Réalisé á l'ICJ - UMR 5208.
Keywords: Aitken's acceleration of convergence ; Schwarz domain decomposition ; Singular value decomposition ; Groundwater flow
Thomas Dufaud, Jocelyne Erhel, and Géraldine Pichot. Coupled flow model and simulation in 3D porous-fractured media. In SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Padova, Italy, June 2013. Réalisé chez INRIA Rennes.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and A. Bui. Agent based modeling of ecodistricts with smart grid. In Springer, editor, Studies In computational Intelligence, Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, volume 479, pages 307--318, Warsaw, Poland, May 2013. International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications.
M. El Helou, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, and K. Khawam. A hybrid approach for radio access technology selection in heterogeneous wireless networks. In EW, 2013.
F. Moety, S. Lahoud, B. Cousin, and K. Khawam. Power-delay tradeoffs in green wireless access networks. In VTC Fall, pages 1--7, 2013.
F. Moety, S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, and B. Cousin. Joint power-delay minimization in green wireless access networks. In 2819-2824, editor, PIMRC, 2013.
M. El Helou, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, and K. Khawam. Satisfaction-based radio access technology selection in heterogeneous wireless networks. In Wireless Days, pages 1--4, 2013.
Samir Tohme Naila Bouchemal, Rola Naja. Traffic modeling and performance evaluation in vehicle to infrastructure 802.11p network. In Ad Hoc Networks, ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS, 2013.
K. Khawam, J. Cohen, P. Mühlethaler, S. Lahoucr, and S. Tohmé. Ap association in a ieee 802.11 wlan. In PIMRC, pages 2142--2147., 2013.
M. El Helou, M. Ibrahim, S. Lahoud, and K. Khawam. Radio access selection approaches in heterogeneous wireless networks. In WiMob, pages 521--528, 2013.
Jose Noudohouenou. Prédiction de Performance Utilisant Une Caractérisation Des Applications Orientée Codelet. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
David Defour and Eric Petit. GPUburn: A system to test and mitigate GPU hardware failures. In Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIII), 2013 International Conference on, pages 263--270. IEEE, 2013.
Jean-Philippe Halimi, Benoît Pradelle, Abdou Guermouche, Nicolas Triquenaux, Alexandre Laurent, Jean Christophe Beyler, and William Jalby. Reactive DVFS control for multicore processors. In Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2013 IEEE and Internet of Things (iThings/CPSCom), IEEE International Conference on and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, pages 102--109. IEEE, 2013.
Yuriy Kashnikov, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Emmanuel Oseret, and William Jalby. Evaluating Architecture and Compiler Design through Static Loop Analysis. In High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2013 International Conference on, pages 535--544. IEEE Computer Society, 2013.
Yuriy Kashnikov. Une approche holistique pour la prédiction des optimisations du compilateur par apprentissage automatique. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles SaintQuentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Souad Koliaï, Zakaria Bendifallah, Mathieu Tribalat, Cédric Valensi, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, and William Jalby. Quantifying performance bottleneck cost through differential analysis. In Proceedings of the 27th International ACM Conference on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS '13, pages 263--272, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.
Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Eric Petit, Asma Farjallah, and William Jalby. Adaptive sampling for performance characterization of application kernels. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 25(17):2345--2362, 2013.
Claude Timsit and Soraya Zertal. From Transistor To Computer. Hermann, 2013.
Nicolas Triquenaux, Alexandre Laurent, Benoit Pradelle, Jean Christophe Beyler, and William Jalby. Automatic estimation of DVFS potential. In Green Computing Conference (IGCC), 2013 International, pages 1--6. IEEE, 2013.
Soraya Zertal and Peter G. Harrison. Flash-based storage systems modelling, simulation and IO characterisation (tutorial). In International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2013.
Thomas Dufaud and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. ARAS2 preconditioning technique for CFD industrial cases. In Randolph Bank, Michael Holst, Olof Widlund, and Jinchao Xu, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods (DD20), LNCSE, San Diego, United States, 2013. Springer. Réalisé á l'ICJ - UMR 5208.
Laurent Berenguer, Thomas Dufaud, and Damien Tromeur-Dervout. Acceleration of Convergence for Domain Decomposition Methods. In B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, editors, Computational Technology Reviews, pages 1--24. Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013. Réalisé chez INRIA Rennes.
Ider Tseveendorj. Optimization, Simulation and Control, volume 76 of Springer Optimization and Its Application (SOIA), chapter Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: A Brief Survey of Methods and Optimality Conditions, pages 49--61. Springer, 2013.
Devan Sohier. Marches aléatoires et gestion locale des changements topologiques. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2013.
Karim Bessaoud. Algorithmes auto-stabilisants pour les réseaux ad hoc. PhD thesis, Université de Versailles-St Quentin, 2013.
Murat Ahat, Soufian Ben Amor, Marc Bui, Alain Bui, Guillaume Guérard, and Coralie Petermann. Smart grid and optimization. American Journal of Operations Research, 3(1A):196--206, 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, and A. Bui. Ecodistrict and smart grid modeling. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
M. Ahat, S. Ben Amor, M. Bui, A. Bui, G. Guérard, and C. Petermann. Smart grids and optimization. American Journal of Operations Research, 3(1A):196--206, 2013.
S. Ben Amor, A. Bui, and C. Petermann. Systèmes complexes et recherche opérationnelle : application a une simulation de smart grid. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
F. Avril, A. Bui, and D. Sohier. A distributed hierarchical clustering algorithm for large-scale dynamic networks. In 8th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks (PM2HW2N), pages 197--202. ACM, 2013.
S. Ben Amor, A. Bui, and G. Guérard. Méthode d'analyse d'un système complexe pour la recherche opérationnelle: Smart grid. In Conférence nationale de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision Française (ROADEF), Troyes, France, 2013.
Coralie Petermann, Soufian Ben Amor, and Alain Bui. Systèmes complexes et recherche opérationnelle : application à une simulation de smart grid. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Karim Bessaoud, Alain Bui, and Laurence Pilard. Self-stabilizing algorithm for low weight connected dominating set. In 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), pages 231--238. IEEE/ACM, 2013.
Thibault Bernard, Alain Bui, and Devan Sohier. Universal adaptive self-stabilizing traversal scheme: Random walk and reloading wave. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 73(2):137--149, 2013.
Alain Bui, Simon Clavière, and Devan Sohier. Nested clusters with intercluster routing. The Journal of Supercomputing, pages 1--30, 2013.
Thibault Bernard, Hacene Fouchal, Sébastien Linck, and Estelle Perrin. Impact of routing protocols on packet retransmission over wireless networks. In IEEE CS Press, editor, International Symposium on Computers and Communications, pages 2979--2983, 2013.
Karim Bessaoud, Yann Hermans, Bertrand Le Cun, Thierry Mautor, Laurence Pilard, and Devan Sohier. Optimisation d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Yann Hermans, Bertrand Le Cun, and Alain Bui. Location et affectation de véhicules électriques dans un contexte de vehicle-to-grid. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
A. Bui, S. Clavière, and D. Sohier. Distributed construction of a hierarchy of nested clusters with inter-cluster routing. The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 65(3):1353--1382, 2013.
Tarek Menouer and Bertrand LeCun. Partitioning methods to parallelize constraint programming solver using the parallel framework bobpp. In Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering (1st International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications (ICCSAMA 2013)), Poland, 2013. In cooperation with IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence, Springer.
Tarek Menouer and Bertrand LeCun. Anticipated dynamic load balancing strategy to parallelize constraint programming search. In 3rd workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization (PCO, IEEE IPDPS Workshop), USA, 2013.
Bertrand Le Cun and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Résolution de problèmes d'habillage réèls par la plateforme bobpp. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Bertrand Le Cun, Thierry Mautor, Franck Quessette, and Marc-Antoine Weisser. Bin packing with fragmentable items: presentation and approximations. Technical report, Hal Open Archive (CNRS), 2013.
Tarek Menouer, Bertrand Le Cun, and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Parallélisation d'un solveur de contraintes avec le framework parallèle bobpp. In Compas'2013, 2013.
Tarek Menouer, Bertrand Le Cun, and Pascal Vander-Swalmen. Parallélisation du solveur de contraintes OR-tools. In congrès annuel de la Société Française de la Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2013.
Joël Sohier and Devan Sohier. La Logistique. Vuibert, 7 edition, 2013.